A New Way to Support My Work on American Gun Culture

Some who have followed my work more closely through the years have noticed that I recently started selling “Guns are Normal” T-Shirts (and stickers) on Teespring and soliciting direct monetary support through the Buy Me A Coffee platform (see the link to the right of this post).

I have been studying American gun culture for nearly 10 years now, conducting 750 hours of systematic field research (so far) and countless hours of informal research. This work has resulted in more than 800 blog posts on this and my Gun Curious site, research papers, journal articles, conference presentations, and book chapters (partial bibliography here).

Photo by Robin Lindner/RLI Media

Since receiving a seed grant from Wake Forest University at the start, I have largely self-funded my work. This has meant putting off some field research I have long wanted to do because I was trying to make it “fit” the budget. In the case of William Aprill of Aprill Risk Management, I put it off too long.

I don’t want the lack of research funds to cost me opportunities like this again, and so I am going outside of my scholarly comfort zone to directly solicit support for my project of telling the story of American gun culture from an alternative, honest, and interesting perspective.

Photo by Robin Lindner/RLI Media

If you would like to support the cause of my research and writing, why not buy a t-shirt or sticker on my Teespring site?

Or if you have enough t-shirts already, you can buy me a coffee/drink — even consider signing up for a $5 monthly or $60 annual membership, with benefits, of course.


  1. Good morning!

    Like your site and your work. Given that you are essentially a content creator you may wish to explore some of web platforms designed for content creators to monetize their content.

    For example, InrangeTV and Forgotten Weapons have been using the Patreon platform for quite awhile to good effect. Many content creators are also setting up accounts on Locals.com, which is the platform that Dave Rubin created when Patreon was on an account banning spree for some period of time (I would suggest strongly looking into locals).

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Silly me who thought that “normal” was a term of the art that had long been banished from any kind of scientific discourse!


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