Liberals Should Avoid These Arguments About Guns in America

Like many Americans, I reluctantly watched events unfolding recently at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, site of the NRA’s annual meeting. In our polarized gun debates, the two extremes were on full display, literally divided by Avenida De Las Americas. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and other (mostly) conservatives planted the flag for gun rights inside the convention center. Outside on Discovery Green, David Hogg, Beto O’Rouke, and other (mostly) liberals rallied the crowd for gun control. Neither side could or cared to hear the other.

I am a “card-carrying” liberal sociologist who became a gun owner in my forties and have been studying American gun culture since then. I have a foot in both worlds that see guns very differently. This allows me to hear how things said from one side in America’s great gun debate are heard by the other.

I understand the desire to do something, anything, in the face of exceptional and everyday tragedies involving guns. I feel the urge to scream out in anger and lash out in pain at those who appear to be standing in the way of progress. But as someone who has gotten to know a great many normal American gun owners over the past decade, I want to encourage my fellow liberals to be mindful of what they say in response to mass shootings, especially if they want to improve our national conversation about guns and find a way forward.

Read on or watch this week’s Light Over Heat video for my thoughts and suggestions.

In responding to the heinous acts of terrorism committed in Buffalo and Uvalde, it is essential for my friends advocating for gun control to understand how gun owners hear their arguments. Some demonizing language is obvious, like when protesters in Houston chanted “shame on you” and yelled “asesinos” (murderers) at NRA meeting attendees, or when commentators use terms like “insane” or “addiction” to characterize gun culture in America.

My focus here is on more subtle language that nonetheless alienates many gun owners who otherwise might engage in good-faith conversations about guns.

1. “Commonsense gun laws.”

In his remarks on the Uvalde massacre, PresidentBiden used this phrase four times. The Brady Campaign now claims it has “been about common-sense gun laws” since its founding in 1974.

But the adjective commonsense is not a descriptive or analytical term. It is a political term and so rhetorical and divisive. It says, if you disagree with me, then you don’t have common sense. At a time when we need more and better discussions with our fellow citizens about guns, this is a conversation-stopper.

2. “Protect children not guns.”

This phrase comes from the Children’s Defense Fund, but variations on the theme abound. For example, I saw “kids, not guns” signs on Discovery Green in Houston recently.

Few rhetorical strategies demonize one’s fellow citizens more than saying they don’t care about the safety of children. Of all people, liberals should be wary of this, having seen any number of moral crusades undertaken in the name of protecting children, including anti-porn, anti-gay, anti-trans, and anti-abortion campaigns.

3. “Other countries acted immediately to prevent mass shootings.”

This seemingly innocuous observation is commonly made following mass public shootings in the U.S. under headlines like “How to prevent gun massacres? Look around the world” and “Other Countries Had Mass Shootings. Then They Changed Their Gun Laws”. The humorous news site The Onion also regularly joins this chorus with its headline, “No way to prevent this, says only nation where this regularly happens.” Its biting satire represents a commonly held point of view among liberals.

But what are you suggesting when you uphold as models the actions of the British government following the 1996 Dunblane Primary School massacre or the Australian government following the 1996 Port Arthur massacre? You are arguing the answer to mass shootings is to ban and confiscate the most commonly owned firearms in the U.S.: semi-automatic pistols and rifles. Although my fellow liberals try to reassure gun owners that “no one wants to take your guns,” that is precisely what the British and Australian governments did. Don’t be surprised if tens of millions of gun owners leave the conversation at that point.

If we are going to make progress in reducing gun death, we need to improve our ability as Americans with diverse values and beliefs to talk to each other about guns. Arguments like those I highlight here may feel good and seem convincing. But as a long-time liberal and relatively new gun owner, I can assure you they alienate gun owners and inhibit the very conversations we desperately need to be having right now. Consequently, they impede us from progressing in our common desire to reduce gun violence.


  1. As a gun owner who plants his flag, firmly, on the Independent Hill, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of Liberal Speak about guns being both offensive and devise.

    Liked by 1 person

    • “Laws that we believe would reduce negative outcomes with firearms.”
      “We both care deeply about children…”
      “What is possible given our country’s unique history, laws, and traditions.”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree we need to talk but in the last about 50+ years what the language from liberals has meant is do what we want, i.e. we see no reason anyone should have a gun so give them up. The other part is you gun owners are not willing to compromise. To that I say see my first statement. Through experience we have found the only compromising is on our side.
    So lets look at the phrases: 1. laws that we believe would reduce negative outcomes with firearms. Okay sounds nice but the failure of the background checks has usually been information about compromising behavior has not been entered into the background check system. We in the IT industry say GIGO, garbage in garbage out. Individuals are scared of saying something and even when they do the local police/FBI has not acted on it. So why are we the law-abiding owners being punished for something we didn’t do and is a failure of the government?
    2. We both care deeply about children. Nice phrase but given decades of past history we just don’t believe you.
    3. What is possible given our country’s unique history, laws, and traditions. For many years we have offered ideas just to see them mocked and ignored.
    It is a hard history to overlook or to overcome, especially since it relies on the government to do their part which they have not done and also people on the liberal side flat out saying we are going to take your guns and that is a good first step but it is not enough.

    Our system of laws and our society depends on everyone following the rues of that society, which of course is not happening including by government agencies. So from our prospective it seems like we are the only ones being asked to give up something. It also depends on a somewhat educated population and I do not mean schooling. I mean on the left many have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to guns and seem to make no effort to learn anything so we possibly have an intelligent conversation about this. I have have friends who look at me like I have two heads but if I can get them down to the range and introduce them to shooting that changes, most of the time.
    We have gone from ranges and rifle teams being common in high schools and colleges to you must be a freak or something to actually have/shoot a gun in about 50 years. Do we have more shootings? Based on the numbers in absolute terms – yes. Based on number per population – no. Media and other groups twist numbers to make a point so again trust is not there.


  3. […] (2) Republicans wisely capitalize on this by making guns a political wedge issue, and Democrats do so at their peril. A common lament among liberal gun owners I know is that they wish their Democratic politicians — with whom they agree on so much — would just stop with the rebrand of gun control into “commonsense gun laws”(tm). […]


  4. […] They welcomed my approach and I give them a lot of credit for that. It would have been very easy for them to invite a gun violence prevention (GVP) scholar or a criminologist to speak with them about everything wrong with guns or have a representative of one of the many GVP advocacy organizations present them a pre-packaged suite of “commonsense gun laws” designed to “protect children not guns.” […]


  5. […] They welcomed my approach and I give them a lot of credit for that. It would have been very easy for them to invite a gun violence prevention (GVP) scholar or a criminologist to speak with them about everything wrong with guns or have a representative of one of the many GVP advocacy organizations present them a pre-packaged suite of “commonsense gun laws” designed to “protect children not guns.” […]


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